
Kaitlyn & Kyle Chicago Engagement

A few Sundays ago I went to Chicago to meet Kaitlyn and Kyle for a drink and a photoshoot. It was a hot & windy day in the city but we had a wonderful time wandering and documenting their love.  

Much of Kyle and Kaitlyn's relationship was long distance with the exception of 1 year together in Chicago, Kaitlyn first when she went to grad school in Virginia and then She just completed her master's in January in Epidemiology at UW Madison and Kyle has been living in Chicago throughout their 6 years together - now Kaitlyn is back in Chicago and they are excited to have their life together in one city. Kaitlyn and Kyle will be coming back to Madison to get married and celebrate with all of their friends and family in late October and I can't wait to be apart of that celebration.



engagementAudre Krull