I got the chance to meet up with Kari and Cody this fall to document their engagement and it was really lovely. I am very much looking forward to when these two exchange vows and celebrate with their family and friends.

I got the chance to meet up with Kari and Cody this fall to document their engagement and it was really lovely. I am very much looking forward to when these two exchange vows and celebrate with their family and friends.
A few weeks ago I met up with Kathryn & Chris at the Cherokee Marsh for a little walk and engagement session. It was a perfect evening to get to know each other, hear about their first date and what they have planned for their 2016 summer wedding.
I met up with Melissa and Andrew a few weeks back to get to know one another and talk more about their upcoming wedding in July -- a perfect afternoon and a lovely fall day.
I love when I get to be introduced to friends when I book weddings, these two I like and I am so excited to photograph their wedding in June! Â Chris plays in a few bands in town and Adria works for Planet Propaganda and together they run a screen printing and letterpress company in their basement called Radish & Clover Press. A few weekends back I met them at their home to take some photographs of them making their wedding invites as well as play me some tunes. We then ventured to BB Clark to a certain bench where in the beginning of their story when they lived in different cities these two spent an afternoon talking, neither one wanted to get up because it would mean that Adria would have to leave to go home - a sweet beginning to a lovely story.
And a big thanks to Adria who designed my poster for my upcoming Gallery show that you should all come to!
A few days days after Christmas I met up with Larissa and Jake for some coffee, story time and an engagement session. These two have been together for over 10 years, they  met in a small Wisconsin town, went to college in Madison and now live and work in Chicago. I had such a wonderful time getting to know these two and hearing about their recent adventure, where they drove an Auto Rickshaw 3000km across India - if you would like to see their adventure through Jake's video series, visit his youtube page here - pretty incredible. These two will be getting married this coming August and I am very much so looking forward to documenting it.