
Posts in Family & Lifestyle
The Endicott Family

Every few years I get to hang out with Lola and June and take their photographs. It's pretty amazing to watch these girls grow up through my lens and this year we had a new little addition to add in the frame, little miss Darcy!  


Bob & Erin + 1

I had the pleasure of spending a sunset with Bob & Erin in front of my camera again, you may remember them from last years shoot where they put on their wedding clothes and did a session with me since they didn't have a photographer at their elopement ceremony. Now these two are expecting a new family member next month and they wanted this documented, so we met back at our spot, fought the bugs and had some fun. boberin_finalblog_000boberin_finalblog_001boberin_finalblog_002boberin_finalblog_003boberin_finalblog_004boberin_finalblog_005boberin_finalblog_006boberin_finalblog_007boberin_finalblog_008boberin_finalblog_009boberin_finalblog_010boberin_finalblog_011boberin_finalblog_012boberin_finalblog_013boberin_finalblog_014boberin_finalblog_015boberin_finalblog_016boberin_finalblog_017boberin_finalblog_018boberin_finalblog_019boberin_finalblog_020boberin_finalblog_021

The Peterson Family

I met Josh and Beth a few years ago at a wedding I was photographing, Beth was pregnant with Oscar and when he arrived they contacted me and I went to their home to document their new little guy. Now Oscar is 5, hilarious and it was quite fun spending the afternoon over at their beautiful home documenting a day in the life of the Peterson family.  


The Osterholz Family

Back in 2013 I photographed Katie & Trent's wedding at the wonderful venue Whistling Straits in Sheboygan (blog link here) and a few weeks ago I went to see them at their home and meet their awesome son, Luther and document their life. Luther has just turned one and he is such a happy kid, he really made it easy for me. luther_blog_000luther_blog_001luther_blog_002luther_blog_003luther_blog_004luther_blog_005luther_blog_006luther_blog_007luther_blog_008luther_blog_009luther_blog_010luther_blog_011luther_blog_012luther_blog_013luther_blog_014luther_blog_015luther_blog_016luther_blog_017luther_blog_018luther_blog_019luther_blog_020luther_blog_021

The Tahk Family

I love when I get an email from a past wedding client with the exciting news that they are having a baby and want to schedule a family session with me. I love that I get to continue documenting their life events and meeting their children. I photographed Susannah & Alex's wedding back in 2012 and a few weeks ago I was reunited and had the chance to meet their beautiful daughter, Serena. tahkfamily_Blog_001tahkfamily_Blog_002tahkfamily_Blog_003tahkfamily_Blog_004tahkfamily_Blog_005tahkfamily_Blog_006tahkfamily_Blog_007tahkfamily_Blog_008tahkfamily_Blog_009tahkfamily_Blog_010tahkfamily_Blog_011tahkfamily_Blog_012tahkfamily_Blog_013tahkfamily_Blog_014tahkfamily_Blog_015tahkfamily_Blog_016tahkfamily_Blog_017tahkfamily_Blog_018tahkfamily_Blog_019tahkfamily_Blog_020tahkfamily_Blog_021tahkfamily_Blog_022tahkfamily_Blog_023

Melissa & Sammy

A rainy and foggy Sunday afternoon forced Sammy, Melissa and I's shoot to be indoors, luckily these two own a beautiful home right outside of Milwaukee. We poured some Whiskey, took sometime to get to know each other and I documented them in their space. These two will be getting married in a month, a small gathering on the beach followed by a reception with family - I am so looking forward to spending a few more days with these two in front of my camera!  


The Rajala Family

Matthew and Abby Rajala live on the East Side of Madison, they have a lovely poodle named Frankie and they have a 6 month old named Henrik. A few Sundays ago I went over to the Rajala's to spend the afternoon documenting their lives, from nap time to bed time I hung out with them and allowed them to live their life in front of my camera to tell a story of how they spend their days together. 2015-04-09_00012015-04-09_00022015-04-09_00032015-04-09_00042015-04-09_00052015-04-09_00062015-04-09_00072015-04-09_00082015-04-09_00092015-04-09_00102015-04-09_00112015-04-09_00122015-04-09_00132015-04-09_00142015-04-09_00152015-04-09_00162015-04-09_00172015-04-09_00182015-04-09_00202015-04-09_00212015-04-09_00222015-04-09_00232015-04-09_00242015-04-09_00252015-04-09_00262015-04-09_00272015-04-09_00282015-04-09_0029

Little Miss Ingrid

A few weeks ago my dear friends Maia & Travis came for a visit from San Francisco and I got the chance to meet their lovely daughter, Ingrid. I met up with them at their cute AirBnB on Spaight St. to catch up and do a little photo shoot of their adorable child. Maia runs a successful blog and has been something of a guru in that department, she is also the art director for Rue Magazine  and every time I head over to San Francisco I try to work with Maia, she is one talented lady and a joy to work with.


Caitlyn & Bryan

I get the chance to hang out with Caitlyn at the studio I work at from time to time, and I just love her, she is hilarious, sweet and just one of my favorites. A few weeks back Caitlyn and Bryan celebrated their 2 year wedding anniversary and I got to celebrate with them by documenting their adorableness. I asked Caitlyn about their wedding and how he proposed to her and here it is in her words:

"We got married on Sept 29, 2012 and this coming Janurary we will have been together for 9 years. He was in my brothers band growing up and we started dating when I was 17. I went to California with my parents and my friend Brittney and I always get Bryan souveniers when I go on trips without him, -stupid things nothing fancy. So this time, we went to Bubba Gumps and I got him a fuzzy shrimp magnet. When I got home I gave him said magnet and he said, "I know you always get me gifts so I wanted to get you something." Of course he pulls out the rings and proposes in our living room. I have no idea what he really said but Kitty was next to him while he was on one knee and I started shouting, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" over and over. He finally said, "Yes, I have a ring!!!" All in all, I got a ring and Bryan got a fuzzy shrimp. We got married at Seno in Burlington which is a beautiful woodland center. The day was perfect so its hard to pick out a favorite moment. The weather was perfect, thank goodness because we didn't have a plan b, we were getting married outside no matter what. Seeing him at the ceremony was special because we didn't see each other before so he was all teary and cute. When we were anounced to the crowd our officiant accidently said "I present you, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson" so that was pretty funny since Bryan's last name is Mach. Overall, our wedding was wonderful. It was filled with friends and family from all over the country and looking back I wouldn't have changed anything. It was perfectly us. Not too much fuss, just fun. "




Hannah, Christopher and Silas

Last week I drove up to Hilbert, Wi for an early morning shoot with Christopher, Hannah and their beautiful son, Silas who just turned 1 a few weeks ago. I've known Christopher for well over 10 years now and until these two asked me to photograph their wedding in August, I had only met Hannah Darling (yes, that is her real last name) once, so it was wonderful to get to know her a little more and to meet their son who stole my heart just a little bit. I am so happy for this little family and I am beyond excited to be apart of their wedding day. hannahchris_blog000hannahchris_blog001hannahchris_blog002hannahchris_blog003hannahchris_blog004hannahchris_blog005hannahchris_blog006hannahchris_blog007hannahchris_blog008hannahchris_blog009hannahchris_blog010hannahchris_blog011hannahchris_blog012hannahchris_blog013hannahchris_blog014hannahchris_blog015hannahchris_blog016hannahchris_blog017hannahchris_blog018hannahchris_blog019hannahchris_blog020hannahchris_blog021hannahchris_blog022hannahchris_blog023hannahchris_blog024hannahchris_blog025hannahchris_blog026hannahchris_blog027

Nora Turns 5

Oh my darling Nora, my dear little friend has turned 5! I have known this sweet girl since she was a baby, I would spend every Thursday afternoon with her and she became a subject in many of my photographs through the years and will continue to be so through her childhood. Nora is a big reason why photographing children is my favorite - no insecurities, no 'good side' just pure joy and true candids. When I get to spend an afternoon with her with my camera at my side, I feel like I can really document her - she doesn't have a pintrest board, she doesn't say 'can you photoshop out my (insert an insecurity), she just is, and I get to document her - and it makes me remember why I am and continue to work on being the best photographer I can be. I wish we could go back to the mindset of a 5 year old, get the pintrest mindset out, get rid of the insecurities and just be - so I hope this set of images from Nora's 5th princess themed birthday party helps awaken your 5 year old self. nora5th_blog000nora5th_blog001nora5th_blog002nora5th_blog003nora5th_blog004nora5th_blog005nora5th_blog006nora5th_blog007nora5th_blog008nora5th_blog009nora5th_blog010nora5th_blog011nora5th_blog012nora5th_blog013nora5th_blog014nora5th_blog015nora5th_blog016nora5th_blog017nora5th_blog018nora5th_blog019nora5th_blog020nora5th_blog021nora5th_blog022nora5th_blog023nora5th_blog024nora5th_blog025nora5th_blog026nora5th_blog027nora5th_blog028nora5th_blog029nora5th_blog030nora5th_blog031nora5th_blog032nora5th_blog033nora5th_blog034nora5th_blog035nora5th_blog036nora5th_blog037nora5th_blog038


The Jagodzinski Family

A few weeks back the whole Jagodzinski family was in Madison for their oldest child was running the Madison Marathon, they thought it would be a perfect opportunity to get some updated family photographs. I had a blast with this hip little family and they really made my job easy since they are all so beautiful. Enjoy.



The Sanders & Endicott Children

A few weeks back on a Sunday afternoon I took the beautiful trip out to Monroe Wisconsin, a place everyone must visit, to meet up with a family who I have become friends with to capture some images of their 2 daughters and their 2 nephews as well. I went out in the yard with the 4 kids who all now have hung out in front of my camera a few times now to capture their ridiculousness -- enjoy. sanders_blog_000sanders_blog_001sanders_blog_002sanders_blog_003sanders_blog_004sanders_blog_005sanders_blog_006sanders_blog_007sanders_blog_008sanders_blog_009sanders_blog_010sanders_blog_011sanders_blog_012sanders_blog_013sanders_blog_014sanders_blog_015